Introducing the first ITC productions for Short+Sweet Illawarra 2018

We are proud to announce the first batch of plays that will light up the stage at the very first Short+Sweet Illawarra – the newest addition to the world’s largest little play festival.

The first plays to make the cut are our Independent Theatre Company’s, which come from both established and brand new theatre groups in the Illawarra, and as far down the coast as Pambula!

It is our honour to introduce successful ITC productions into Short+Sweet Illawarra 2018:

Directors Registration for Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2019

Thank you for your interest in directing for Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2019!

We welcome directors from all walks of life, from professional directors to enthusiastic amateurs. Everyone will be given consideration.

If you are selected as a director, you will be sent all the relevant information regarding selecting your script in due course. Before registering, please check the key festival dates and make sure you’ll be available.

Please provide your details below and the Festival Director will get back to you as soon as possible.

please provide your mobile number
We need to know this to ensure compliance with the Working With Vulnerable People (background checking) Act 2011.
This field is not compulsory: you may either add a description of your acting experience and interests, or upload your curriculum vitae below.
You may either upload your curriculum vitae, or add a description of your acting experience above.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.

Auditions Short+Sweet Illawarra 2018



We are looking for actors to register to audition for the newest member of World's Largest Short Play Festival: Short+Sweet Illawarra. It doesn't matter how old you are, what your cultural background is, or your shape or size - with over 20 plays being performed, odds are there will be a role for you!

Enter your mobile number 04XX XXX XXX or Landline phone number 02 XXXX XXXX
Auditions are held in age and gender groups. Which gender group would you like to audition for? If you believe you would like to be considered for roles in either gender, we will allow you to audition in both gender groups.
Please attach a brief CV detailing your experience. You can obtain a template CV from or simply attach a document file with a written bio of your skills and experience. Max 5MB. PDF / DOC / DOCX accepted.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx.
CV's are HIGHLY recommended. They are needed so directors can read about you after your audition.
Professional actor headshots are preferred. If you don't have one, any picture which shows your face nice and close is acceptable.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.

Script Submissions Closing Soon for Short+Sweet Illawarra


FINAL CALL: Script and ITC Submissions


Submissions close 11:59 pm Thursday 31st May 2018

Time is running out to be a part of the Illawarra's inaugural season of ten-minute plays as part of Short+Sweet: The world's biggest little play festival. If your play is shortlisted, it will be available to be selected by our directors for performance in October. 


Any entries received will be considered for the following Short+Sweet Theatre Latino festivals in 2018 (and 2019):

S+S South India (deadline 6 May), Illawarra (deadline 31 May), Auckland (deadline 10 June), Townsville, South Coast, Central Coast, KL, Penang, Los Angeles, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Canberra, Melbourne (TBC), Manila, Sydney (2019) + more as they are confirmed!*

including country/area codes
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.

Direct Script Submissions Short+Sweet Illawarra


Direct Script Submission

If you would like to submit your ten-minute script for Short+Sweet Illawarra direct, please complete the form below. Applying directly means you would like to have a short play you have written submitted for performance at Short+Sweet Illawarra 2018. Writers can submit more than one play for consideration, however may only have one play staged as part of our inaugural festival.

including country/area codes
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.

Director Registration


Registrations are now open for new and experienced directors to take the helm of one of our shortlisted local and international scripts at the very first Short+Sweet Illawarra.

please provide your mobile number
We need to know this to ensure compliance with the Working With Vulnerable People (background checking) Act 2011.
If you are uploading a CV, please only give a brief overview of your experience. If you do not have a CV please provide more information here - list recent shows, when it was staged and which theatre company produced the show.
While this field is not required, uploading a CV will be held in high regard.
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Please select any skill areas you've had any experience with.

Book Complimentary Tickets: S+SFFQLD 2018

DUE: No later than 2 days prior to your allocated Heat screening. 

Each selected films are entitled to TWO complimentary tickets to their screening. This can be used by themselves or by a friend. Please do not attempt to book more than two complimentary tickets per film. For any concerns or queries, contact

Please note: this name must have been registered by the director.
The name of the person who will collect the ticket from box office. Leave blank if it is the same name.


Now On!

13 Feb 2025 to 18 May 2025

Coming Soon

12 Apr 2025 to 1 Jun 2025
22 Mar 2025 to 17 May 2025