ITC Registration for Short+Sweet Theatre Illawarra 2019

Thank you for your interest in submitting an independent production for Short+Sweet Theatre Illawarra 2019!

What is the name of your Play?
Please provide a brief synopsis of your play. About one paragraph is ideal.
You may upload a script or artistic vision pitch
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf docx.
please provide your mobile number
Upload Director CV.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Please list your actors' names and email addresses. You do not need to have actors at the time of application - you may cast from our auditions if you require.
Tell us where you have performed this play in the past. Please include year / venue / festival name and any other info. Only plays that have performed in Short+Sweet Illawarra 2018 or plays that have been professionally staged in the Illawarra region are ineligible to be submitted.

Director Registration | Short+Sweet Theatre Illawarra 2019

Registrations are now open for new and experienced directors to take the helm of one of our shortlisted local and international scripts at the very first Short+Sweet Illawarra.

please provide your mobile number
We need to know this to ensure compliance with the Working With Vulnerable People (background checking) Act 2011.
If you are uploading a CV, please only give a brief overview of your experience. If you do not have a CV please provide more information here - list recent shows, when it was staged and which theatre company produced the show.
While this field is not required, uploading a CV will be held in high regard.
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Please select any skill areas you've had any experience with.

Direct Script Submissions Short+Sweet Theatre Illawarra 2019


Direct Script Submission

If you would like to submit your ten-minute script for Short+Sweet Illawarra direct, please complete the form below. Applying directly means you would like to have a short play you have written submitted for performance at Short+Sweet Illawarra 2019. Writers can submit more than one play for consideration, however, may only have one play staged as part of our festival.

including country/area codes
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.

Direct Script Submissions Dublin

Direct Script Submission

If you would like to submit your ten-minute script for Short+Sweet Dublin direct, please complete the form below. Applying directly means you would like to have a short play you have written submitted for performance at Short+Sweet Dublin 2019. Writers can submit more than one play for consideration, however may only have one play staged as part of our inaugural festival.

including country/area codes
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.

Short + Sweet Manila 2019 Script Entries


Short + Sweet Manila is back! Coming this October 2019! Script submissions now being accepted!

Fill the webform, attach your play and hit Submit!

including country/area codes
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options
Do NOT include readings or moved readings
The number of roles in your play that can be performed by either male or female actors
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options
Only pdf, doc and docx less than 5MB.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

Social Media Information

Social Media Form

Please complete the webform below to allow us to promote your show!

If your submission is an ITC (Independent Theatre Company) please enter the name of your ITC here.
If you would like us to include the names of your cast, please enter their names here.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.

Fast+Fresh Theatre Festival,Manila 2019

Fast+Fresh Theatre festival is back with its 3rd season and brought to you by "Singapore School Manila"

Some amazing, some beautiful, some heart-breaking, some heart-warming and some fun stories being told here by many talented students! The are original stories written by mini adults under 18.

Watch Fast+Fresh, an inter-school Theatre festival hosted by Singapore School Manila on 2nd of February 2019. You can also vote for your most favourite play.

Show:10:30am to 2:00pm
Awarding: 4pm

For tickets:
Email or contact Vaish on +639188770011

Participating Schools:

1. Singapore School Manila

2. Black Box Youth Ensemble PAREF Woodrose

3. University of the East- Caloocan

4. Maria Montessori, Merville

5. Helen O'Grady Drama School Philippines

6. Rude Mechanicals

7. International School Manila

Singapore School Manila Website:


Register for Short+Sweet Abu Dhabi 2019

Welcome to Short+Sweet - a more creative world ten minutes at a time! Please register here for our upcoming Short+Sweet Theatre Festival in Abu Dhabi, hosted by the New York University Abu Dhabi Arts Centre, from January 25-26, 2019.


including country/area codes
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options
Participants in Short+Sweet do so on a voluntary basis. Artists selected for Short+Sweet are not entitled to payment or re-numeration of any kind although they may be eligible for various prizes.


Now On!

13 Feb 2025 to 18 May 2025

Coming Soon

12 Apr 2025 to 1 Jun 2025
22 Mar 2025 to 17 May 2025