Short+Sweet Theatre Hollywood 2020 - CANCELLED

*In response to current bans on public gatherings due to the recent spike in COVID19 cases in Los Angeles County:

Short+Sweet is the 'biggest little festival in the world'. Showcasing short form theatre, film, dance and more, versions of the festival are presented in 35 cities in 10 countries around the world.

Short+Sweet Hollywood celebrated its most successful festival in its 4 years in Los Angeles in 2019, showcasing open English language entries from as far as Dubai and Australia; Latinx entries from across the U.S, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela and Colombia; and the addition of an LGBTQ+ program, as well as Dance and Film.

2020 was set to deliver an even more diverse and exciting program. Unfortunately, that won't be the case as Festival Director Nick Hardcastle announced the cancellation of the Festival.

"It is with great regret that we have had to cancel Short+Sweet 2020. While we have vigorously tried to innovate over the last 4 months to ensure that we could welcome you all back to the festival this year, recent spikes in Covid-19 cases in California and the responsive measures taken have forced us to concede that bringing our community of artists and audiences into the theatre simply won't be possible this year. However, we will be bringing you some special online events to keep you all connected with our partners at NBC, Argentum studios and our literary team here at Short+Sweet."

Jandiz Estrada Cordoso, Senior Director of Talent Development Inclusion and Grace Moss, Director of Talent Development & Inclusion for NBC Entertainment will be sharing a 'fireside chat' with Hardcastle on September 10; and Short+Sweet International Literary Manager Alex Broun, also the most performed short play writer in the world, will be giving a free lab in writing your ten minute play - A perfect opportunity to take advantage of the extra time you now have to submit for next year. All plays submitted for 2020 will still be considered for the next festival and all future festivals around the world as programs go into production again in various places that are safe to do so. Short+Sweet Sydney resumes on September 14.

Short+Sweet Film Festival will also not go ahead as planned, but all films submitted will be eligible for consideration when the festival returns next year. Open auditions for actors were to take place this weekend, July 25 and 26 at the Lee Strasberg Institute for the open English language, Latinx and LGBTQ+ programs. These are also cancelled.

"I want to personally thank everyone on our Diversity and Inclusion programming team, our writers, actors and directors as well as our partners at NBC, Argentum Studios, Global Talent Immigration and Final Draft. The West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and the team at the Lee Strasberg Institute have been incredibly accommodating as we have tried to navigate this unprecedented time and we are certainly looking forward to delivering an incredible festival from the Institute when we return in 2021. We appreciate this has been a very difficult time for so many of us and we look forward to welcoming our community and new friends to our online experiences in September."

To keep updated on the online program for Short+Sweet and for the latest news on the 2021 festival, visit


Welcome to Short+Sweet Hollywood 2020!

Short+Sweet - the biggest little festival in the world, returns to the Marilyn Monroe Theatre at the Lee Strasberg Institute in West Hollywood, from September 3 - October 19, 2020!

This year's categories are Open English language Theatre, LatinX Theatre, LGBTQ+ Dance and Film! Please join us for regular events in the Actor's lounge, like and follow us on social media and stay tuned to this page for more announcements. In the meantime, submissions are open for English Language plays here, for our LatinX program here and you can submit  your script or proposal for your LGBTQ+  short work here. You can find out more about the Short+Sweet Film Festival by visiting our film festival page here!

SUBMISSIONS FOR PLAYS / LIVE THEATRICAL WORKS CLOSE ON JUNE 30          *please note that all dates are subject to change 

Registrations for Short+Sweet festivals are open every year to returning, established and first-time directors. Short+Sweet is the perfect opportunity for actors, writers or anyone to try directing for the first time. Directors are able to choose from all shortlisted scripts for their local festival, and are encouraged to communicate with their Writers throughout the process. 

To apply to direct a play for Short+Sweet Hollywood, please register here. Successful directors will be notified by July 1 and will be sent plays from our shortlist. They must then return to us with their top three preferences by no later than July 24. The highest preference will be allocated wherever possible.

Directors cannot act in their own play unless they enter the production as an ITC (Independent Theatre Company) which is where the play, Director and cast are all already attached and submit directly to the Festival Director. Places for ITC's are limited in the festival. Directors are allowed to direct a maximum of one play in Short+Sweet, unless otherwise granted permission by the Festival Director.



Actors wishing to audition can prepare a 2 minute monologue and attend our open auditions at the Lee Strasburg Institute Saturday July 25 for Spanish speaking actors and Sunday July 26 for English speaking actors from 10am to 6pm. You can register here - and more information is in the news tab below.

On behalf of my artistic team, we look forward to welcoming writers, directors and performers to share their talents with us, as well as our audience, to experience these stories and a festival like no other!

Hooray for Hollywood!

Nick Hardcastle.

Festival Director

Short+Sweet Hollywood


Short+Sweet Theatre Sharjah 2020

The first ever SHORT+SWEET SHARJAH was held at the Masrah Theatre - Al Qasba from Jan 17 to Feb 1, 2020 as part of the inaugural Sharjah Fringe

Congratulations to the winners of the first ever Gala Final of SHORT+SWEET SHARJAH and thanks to Mr Brian Wilkie MBE for presenting the awards. Here are the winners:


BEST NEWCOMER: Yahya Abou Zeid

BEST ACTOR: Sunil Jasuja (Dedh Inch Upar)

BEST ACTOR RUNNER-UP: Ahmed Abdul Hadi (I want to sleep & Spirits)

BEST ACTRESS: Sherry Dang Briet (Between us Mother & Daughter)

BEST ACTRESS RUNNER-UP: Mona Al Mohamady (I want to sleep)

BEST DIRECTOR: Tareq Abou Zeid (Spirits)

BEST WRITER: Purva Grover (Between us Mother & Daughter)

PEOPLE’S CHOICE WINNER: Dedh Inch Upar presented by Theatrewallas UAE

BEST OVERALL PRODUCTION: Between us Mother & Daughter

Thanks to the Sharjah Fringe for hosting the Festival and all our wonderful writers, directors, actors and Independent Theatre Companies who made the first ever Short+Sweet Sharjah such a wonderful event. We’ll see you again in 2021!!!

The full line up for SHORT+SWEET SHARJAH 2020 was as follows:


Friday 17 Jan @ 16:30

A Doll's House (Presented by Art Box Group)

Cry for Me


To Be or Not To Be


Friday 17 Jan @ 22:00


Sprirts (Presented by Art Box Group)

The Basket-Cases

Zahra (Presented by Art Box Group)


Saturday 18 Jan @ 16:30

Charming Carmen (Presented by Art Box Group)

Chidi ki Dukki (Presented by Theatrewallas) 

I conquer therefore I am

Superposition (Presented by StudioRepublik)

The most important words of my life



Saturday 18 Jan @ 22:00

Chidi ki Dukki (Presented by Theatrewallas)

I conquer therefore I am

I want to Sleep (Presented by Art Box Group)


The Basket-Cases


Fri 24 Jan @ 20:00

Once in a school day (Presented by Art Box Group)

Dedh Inch Upar (Presented by Theatrewallas)

Never Give Up (Presented by StudioRepublik)

Television Man 

Charming Carmen (Presented by Art Box Group)


Sat 25 Jan @20:00

Dedh Inch Upar (Presented by Theatrewallas)

The Flowers

The Hold Up (Presented by StudioRepublik)

Never Give Up (Presented by StudioRepublik)

A Doll's House (Presented by Art Box Group)


Friday 31 Jan @ 20:00

Between us mother and daughter

Bhediya (Presented by Theatrewallas)

Never Give Up (Presented by StudioRepublik)

Shhh Don't Open That Box


Saturday 1 Feb @ 20:00 - Gala Final

The best plays from the Festival as chosen by our judges and audience:

I want to Sleep (Presented by Art Box Group) JUDGE'S CHOICE WEEK 1

Sprits (Presented by Art Box Group) JUDGE'S CHOICE WEEK 1

Dedh Inch Upar (Presented by Theatrewallas) JUDGE'S CHOICE WEEK 2

Between us mother and daughter JUDGE'S CHOICE WEEK 3

To be or not to be PEOPLE'S CHOICE

Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2020

The biggest little play festival in the world is now entering its 19th year in its hometown of Sydney and will be returning to the Tom Mann Theatre in Surry Hills from Feb 14 to April 19 2020.
We will be returning once again with a smorgasbord of 10-minute plays to delight your tastebuds, with hundreds of talented actors, writers and directors showcasing their skills and bringing you a wonderful season of short theatre.

The Short+Sweet festival is a wonderful tool for writers, directors and actors who want to share their voice and talent in a professional environment and venue. Its goal is to become a powerful tool for diversity in the entertainment industry, as well as providing a way to discover new or established local talent by engaging more people in the live theatre experience. The festival multiplies participants' raw and creative energy, with different ensembles, directors and writers exchanging ideas, learning from each other and providing creative inspiration.


If you have a passion for the theatre and would like to be a part of a great team then send an email to We have roles waiting for you behind the scenes in production, props,  front of house, sponsorship and more!!! We’d love to hear from you!

We also have some amazing opportunities for partnership and sponsorship. So, if you and your organisation would like to get involved then please let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

We look forward to welcoming writers, directors and performers to share the 2020 Short+Sweet Sydney Festival seasons at the Tom Mann Theatre, 136 Chalmers Street Surrey Hills.

Register for Short+Sweet Comedy Dubai 2019

Welcome to Short+Sweet - a more creative world ten minutes at a time! Please register here for Short+Sweet Comedy Dubai between Wednesday November 20th and Saturday November 23rd, 2019 hosted by The Junction.

including country/area codes
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options
Please choose ONLY ONE option
Each comic may perform in UP TO TWO languages
If you had to choose just ONE language to perform in - what would you choose
Participants in Short+Sweet do so on a voluntary basis. Artists selected for Short+Sweet are not entitled to payment or re-numeration of any kind although they may be eligible for various prizes.

Short+Sweet Comedy Dubai 2019

Short+Sweet Comedy Festival 2019

Following on from a successful debut in 2017 breaking all prior records in the Middle East, the third Short+Sweet Comedy Festival will be held at the home of Short+Sweet in Dubai, The Junction on Wednesday November 20 and Saturday November 23, 2019.

Bigger & Better than ever before. The Region's Largest Comedy Festival that kickstarted many a comedy careers is back with a bang. The funniest battle you will ever see on stage!

All comics are welcome irrespective of their nationalities. There are separate heats for regional language comics - Arabic, Hindi & Urdu - so you are welcome to enter no matter what language you speak. Also comics may perform in two different languages if you're game. So what are you waiting for.....?

First Timers are more than welcome. Looking for a new way to disappoint your parents? Try your hand at Comedy. 

Registrations are NOW CLOSED.

The Junction Theatre, Unit H72, Al Serkal Avenue, Al Quoz, Dubai. 
Google Maps:
Phone: +971 4 3388 525

Festival Director:
Pawan Manghnani

All content must be original.
Local laws & sensitivities must be respected.
Each comedian will get only 1 slot (in up to two languages) in the preliminary round.
Only Comedians participating in the Preliminary Rounds - Regional Category will get another slot to perform in the Preliminary Rounds - International Category if they wish to perform twice.
Acts could be Stand-Up, Improv', Sketch, Play, Poetry, Musical, Parody, 2 Person or Group Act, but has to be from the Comedy Genre Only. 
5 Minutes Maximum for each set.
About 20 finalists to be chosen from the preliminary rounds.
Finalists can repeat the same set for the finale or do a completely different act.
Rules & Regulations are subject to change without prior notice.
The Venue & Organizers reserve their rights as final say in case of any dispute or cheating on part of the performer(s).
Judges Choice(s) will be final.

Categories for Winners:

RSVP to the event page for regular updates:

If you are interested to sponsor the event, email the festival director & to get more details on how to get on board!


For more information contact the Festival Director Pawan Manghnani on +971 55 540 6936 or email

Actor Registration for Short+Sweet Dublin 2019

Welcome to Short+Sweet - a more creative world ten minutes at a time! Please register as an actor here for the inaugural Short+Sweet Sydney 2020.


including country/area codes
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options
Participants in Short+Sweet do so on a voluntary basis. Artists selected for Short+Sweet are not entitled to payment or re-numeration of any kind although they may be eligible for various prizes.

Directors Registration for Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2020

Thank you for your interest in directing for Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2020!

We welcome directors from all walks of life, from professional directors to enthusiastic amateurs. Everyone will be given consideration.

If you are selected as a director, you will be sent all the relevant information regarding selecting your script in due course. Before registering, please check the key festival dates and make sure you’ll be available.

Please provide your details below and the Festival Director will get back to you as soon as possible.

please provide your mobile number
We need to know this to ensure compliance with the Working With Vulnerable People (background checking) Act 2011.
This field is not compulsory: you may either add a description of your acting experience and interests, or upload your curriculum vitae below.
You may either upload your curriculum vitae, or add a description of your acting experience above.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.

ITC Registration for Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2020

Thank you for your interest in submitting an independent production for Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney 2020!

please provide your mobile number
If any of the leaders of this production are under 18, please note that here. We need to know this to ensure compliance with the Working With Vulnerable People (background checking) Act 2011.
Please list your actors' names and email addresses.
Note that scripts which have been performed in Sydney are NOT ELIGIBLE for the competition. Please do not submit a play which has already been performed in Sydney as we will not be able to consider it for the festival.
Tell us about your ITC.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Describe what you plan to put on stage. You may also submit a script.
You may upload a script or a video of your performance.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf docx avi mov mp3 wav.

Short+Sweet Film Festival Sydney 2019

Calling all film festival lovers!

The Short+Sweet Film Festival Sydney is BACK - bringing local filmmakers and audiences together. Attendees will have the opportunity to see a curated selection of films from different genres, styles, and ideas from local and international filmmakers.

This opportunity is unique in the ever expanding world of Short+Sweet, and culminates in our Grand Finals Event to be held in Hollywood in late 2019. Short+Sweet Founder Mark Cleary and Festival Director Greg Dolgopolov have committed to delivering “a world class festival with an A-List Hollywood finale”. Dolgopolov directed Melbourne’s first Short+Sweet Film festival in 2017 and noted “the shaping of networks for future projects… That connection is what Short+Sweet is so good at fostering.”

Festival Dates and Times:

  • August 27, 7:00pm (doors open at 6:00pm)
  • September 3, 8:30pm (doors open at 8:00pm)
  • September 4, 7:00pm (doors open at 6:00pm)
  • September 5, 7:00pm (doors open at 6:00pm)

Festival Location:

Tom Mann Theatre
136 Chalmers St,
Surry Hills NSW 2010


Tickets are cash only and will be sold at the door for $15 and $10 for students with a valid student ID. 

Hope to see you there!


Register now for Short+Sweet Theatre Dubai 2020

Welcome to Short+Sweet - a more creative world ten minutes at a time! Please register here for our upcoming Short+Sweet Theatre Festival in Dubai, to be hosted at The Junction in Alserkal Avenue, Al Quoz.

including country/area codes
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options
Participants in Short+Sweet do so on a voluntary basis. Artists selected for Short+Sweet are not entitled to payment or re-numeration of any kind although they may be eligible for various prizes.


Now On!

There are no festivals currently showing.

Coming Soon

13 Feb 2025 to 18 May 2025