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Tech Requirements Form Townsville


This form is to help us coordinate resources so that we can best support the requirements of your work. Please answer all of the questions to the best of your knowledge BEFORE your production meeting. We will then discuss anything that needs more detail as a part of the meeting. If you are unsure about anything or don't understand what we mean, we can look at it together during your meeting.

The more organised you are with this information, the more we are able to help you. If you are ready to do so, it would also be a good idea to bring the following to your production meeting:

  • 3x hard copies of your prompt script
  • All sound cues on a USB drive

For further info about the use of tech in the festival, please see the Quick Guide for Artists document.

Please write a brief description of your required lighting states. You do not need to know specifics - it is often a good idea to describe the mood or effect you're trying to achieve, rather than describing what lights should be used.
Please write a brief description of the music and/or sound effects that you will be providing for use in your production.
Please list any items of furniture you intend to use. Please also note whether you will be providing the item or whether it is a request for us to supply (some shared pieces may be available, depending on requests).
Please list all major props you will be using.
Please briefly describe what happens on stage during your performance. In particular, please note any activity that may incur risks or special attention.
Is there anything else we should know about? For example, use of AV projection (only available in some venues), audience participation, likelihood of a big mess... etc.