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Registration for Short+Sweet VARIETY!

Thank you for your interest in performing in the Short+Sweet Theatre Festival Hollywood 2022 as a Variety Artist! This is open to acts and individiduals alike.
We encourage performers in comedy, music, drag, burlesque, magic, dance to all apply! Variety artitsts are only limited by their imagination! Short+Sweet is focused on providing opportunities for all artisits regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation or gender expression, diverse abilities or age.
Your act needs to be self contained, must be able to be set and struck in under a minute and can only be a maximum of 10 minutes inline with the rules of Short+Sweet. You will only get a 30 minute tech rehearsal so keep your tech elelments very simple!
If you are already acting in or directing a piece in one of our other programs you can still apply to be a variety artist as well!
We welcome professional and enthusiastic amateurs actors alike. Everyone will be given consideration.

If you are selected as a variety act, you will be contacted by the Festival Director personally.

Before registering, please check the key festival dates and make sure you’ll be available. This festival is a commitment and you need to make sure you have the time and passion to participate. 

Please provide your details below and the Festival Director will get back to you as soon as possible. Registrations close August 21!


please provide your mobile number
Tell us about you and your act.
Please upload a recent headshot. JPG or PNG formats only with a maximum filesize of 2MB.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.