SUBMISSIONS CLOSED - we may open them again in future
We're very excited to be developing a program that will bring Short+Sweet to high schools and provide an income to writers! We are looking to build a script bank of work to potentially include in the program.
We're after 10 minute plays which are suitable for teenagers, with a social consciousness message that young people will click with. If we end up using your script, you'll be paid a royalty.
Please read these carefully before submitting. Any submission which is non-compliant will be deleted immediately.
- Works may have been presented as part of S+S or other play festivals
- There is no submission fee but there is a strict limit of 2 plays per writer. If you submit more than 2 plays, we will delete all of them
- You may only submit one play per submission form
- We are very specifically looking for work which is 10 mins or shorter in duration, suitable for high school students and has a social message.
- Do not send us a script which doesn't meet all of these criteria. We will definitely not be interested and you won't make any new friends by wasting our time!
- Your submission will not be considered for Short+Sweet's theatre festivals. If you want to be considered for our theatre festivals, you must submit via:
- Submissions must be received by 15th Dec at 11:59pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. Any submission received after that time will be deleted
- By submitting a script, you agree to have it included in the Short+Sweet Script Bank for potential use. If we wish to use your script for any reason, we will contact you prior to its use
- Unsuccessful writers will not be notified. We will only contact you if we'd like to use your script
- It may be a while before we launch this project and you might not hear from us for some months
- Do not put your name on your script
- Doc or docx format is greatly preferred. Please only send a PDF if you have converted your document from a format other than doc or docx
For enquiries regarding script entries, contact the Literary Manager of Short+Sweet, Pete Malicki, on