Auditions for registered actors will take place Saturday 4th August and Sunday 5th August at the Bridge St Theatre Coniston (Phoenix Theatre).
Please book which session you would like to audition for. If you believe you are eligible for more than one age or gender group you can book more than one audition slot - this means you would need to perform your 2-minute monologue in each session booked. You will get an email once your booking has been confirmed on our end.
Before registering as an Actor, please confirm that you will be available during key festival dates. If you are only available for one of the performance week's, please be sure to advise any directors of this if you are approached for a role or a callback.
Week 1 - 2nd to 7th October 2018
Week 2 - 16th to 21st October 2018
Dates listed above include Tech and Dress rehearsals. Normal rehearsals are to be advised/negotiated with directors.
You are allowed to request to read the full script before accepting an offer.
FAQ: Can I be involved in more than one play in Short+Sweet Illawarra?
Yes! All participants can be involved in up to two plays. The only restriction is writers may only write one play and directors may only direct one play also. So you can act in 2 plays, or act/direct, act/write or write/direct. If you take on two roles in the same play we will only count this as one play (other than the one-play-one-writer/director rule).
Any questions? Contact Luke Berman by email: