Home >> Festivals >> Short+Sweet Sydney 2015 Gala Final
13 Feb 2025 to 18 May 2025
22 Mar 2025 to 17 May 2025
12 Apr 2025 to 1 Jun 2025
Thursday, March 19, 2015 to Friday, March 20, 2015
The Factory Theatre
105 Victoria Road
Marrickville NSW 2204
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Short+Sweet Sydney 2015 Gala Final

Introducing the Gala Finalists for Short+Sweet Sydney 2015...

1. Screamers!

2. Truth or Dare

3. Shirley Vs. The Squirrels

4. Tagged

5. Wish 

6. Manstruating

7. Scratch

8. Chance You Can Dance

9. Speaking Freely

10. Transactions

11. The Bridge

12. Unforgettable

13. Pee Buddies


Short+Sweet Sydney stages around 160 plays, each put in the hands of capable Sydney directors. Open to both the experienced and fresh blood, Short+Sweet enables hundreds of artists an opportunity to write, perform, develop, and direct, while encouraging audiences to see some brand new works on stage!

Around 500 scripts are shortlisted from the thousands received year-round by Short+Sweet and are selected by directors. Those selected as part of the Top 80 are performed every Wednesday-Saturday night and are assessed by Judges and the audience to determine the best of the best. Wildcards are performed Saturday-Monday, with the winners of the Wildcards Finals also winning a spot in the Gala Finals.

S+S Sydney is separated into two divisions: the Top 80 and the Wildcards. Each week our informed Judges select the winner of the Top 80 to enter the Gala Finals, along with the People's Choice Winner and Wildcards winner as determined through our finals series. Now, with the top 12 plays, plus one special invitation, included in the Gala Finals, the best of the entire season will be presented on the Factory Theatre stage in two incredible nights.

Gala Finalists are in the running for a wide range of prizes and awards including; Best Production, Best Script, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress, Best Newcomer etc. With some great prizes on offer including make-up tutorials, vouchers, theatre tickets, lighting services, and the incredibly generous prize from the Genocchio Famiy, in honour of their son, the first Artistic Co-ordinator of Short+Sweet, Sam Genocchio, of $5000 cash for the winner of Best Director.

Just two incredible nights of performance before we announce the winners for Short+Sweet Sydney 2015!

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  1. 1. SCREAMERS!

    If a quick look back at our recent political history is terrifying, then a quick look forward into our social future surely is enough to make you wanna scream! This camp and crazy mash up of Mad Max & Wiz of Oz is designed to help you let off some steam and laugh about it all!

    Writer: Gavin Vance

    Director: Gavin Vance

    ITC: Red Roar

    With:  Jacques Thong (Costumier)

    Dan Jones (Dorothy's Shoes) Jackie Vance (Sound Edit)

    Cast: Joseph Chetty (Dorothy), Jackie Vance (Aunty Entity), Taras Jones (Harpist)

    Singers: Alchemy A Cappella


    3 bored friends play a harmless game.

    Writer: Rhys Cohen

    Directors: Bendeguz Divenyi-Botos and Rhys Cohen

    ITC: Bendeguz Industries

    Cast: Patrick Richards, Georgie Veneziani, Morgan Davis


    In an ongoing battle for her prize-winning garden, Shirley attempts to enlist the help of her daughter and son-in-law to protect and defend her crops from those shifty, yet at times cute, bastards called squirrels.

    Writer: Camilla Maxwell

    Director: Kel Vance

    Cast: Debbie Tilley (Shirley), Margareta Moir (Chloe), George Trippis (Jonathan)

    4. TAGGED

    No secrets are safe from social media.

    Writer: Russell Bell

    Director: Steven Tait

    Cast: Jack Douglas (Man), Ally O'Brien (Woman), Mark Longhurst (Waiter) 

    5. WISH

    As her final wish from the Make A Wish Foundation, Stephanie, a terminally ill teenager, meets her childhood hero, actor Jack Grant. But the moment Stephanie has dreamed about isn’t exactly as she imagined it would be.

    Writer: Bokkie Robertson

    Director: Rebecca Wright

    Cast: Christian Heath (Jack Grant), Ally Morgan (Stephanie Anderson)


    Relationships - they are a merry dance.  There's give and take, but sometimes you need to think outside the box when your feelings are on the line.

    Writer: Adam Szudrich

    Director: Grant Wilson

    Cast: Emma Playfair (Woman), David Owens (Man)

    7. SCRATCH

    A black comedy about the bleak future of contemporary cinema. When a suspicious, black Chrysler pulls up out the front of his house, couch potato, James, figures he owes money to the wrong people. The truth is far more severe.

    Writer: Tom Green

    Director: Tom Green

    ITC: Thieving Monkey Theatre Company

    Cast: James Shepherd (The Boss), Jed Clarke (James), Richie P. (Johnny), Shaun A. Robinson (Bob) 


    Four quirky characters enter a dance contest. Will they overcome their fears and embrace their unique dance methods to create a beautiful unified mess of expressive dance? There's definitely a chance!

    Devised: Jo Ford

    Developed: The Cast

    Director: Jo Ford

    ITC: shutup

    Cast: Drew Holmes (Host/Judge), Jo Ford (Fluer), Hilary Park (Tin Tin), Stephanie Priest (Harmony), Lukas Quinn (Glen)


    Young veterinarian Kelly is looking for love, but as her blind date with Blake unfolds she realises this isn’t going to be the magical night she had hoped for. Think you’ve been on the worst date before? Think again.

    Writer: Jack Kelly

    Director: Serhat Caradee

    Cast: Hunter Mcmahon (Blake), Krystle Hill (Kelly), Sebastian Angborn (Blake C), Amanda Collins (Kelly C)


    A lonely man is visiting a prostitute. He's trying to buy the life he's dreaming of; she's tired of playing the strange role he wants. Tonight he can only afford ten minutes, and it's not going to go as planned.

    Writer: Scott McAteer

    Director: Ingrid Ganley

    ITC: Hobart Quartet | S+S Hobart Winner

    Cast: Ivano Del Pio (Man), Karissa Lane (Woman)

    11. THE BRIDGE

    Penny has put a lot of thought into her suicide.  She has even memorized the lines to a pertinent Coleridge poem.  Or so she thought.  An unexpected encounter with Roger, who knows his Coleridge well and always travels with a snack, gives them both time to think before they jump.

    Writer: Jessica E Anderson

    Director: Sharlene Zeederberg

    Cast: Peter Condon (Roger), Katharine Babatzanis (Penny)


    Inspired by real-life stories, Unforgettable  is a funny, bold and moving look into dementia and the lives of Flo and Cecil - two 80-something year old pensioners with many a song to sing and a lifetime of stories to tell. Join them as they talk family, memory, love and life in the nursing home.

    Writers/Directors: Stephanie Priest and Drew Holmes

    ITC: Shady Palms Productions

    Cast: Stephanie Priest (Flo), Drew Holmes (Cecil)


    A desperate man enlists the help of a co-worker to conquer his embarrassing fear.

    Writer: Shane Murphy

    Director: Jon Emmett

    Cast: Reece Lyndon (Don), Scott Dias (Glenn), Jon Emmett (Co-Worker)


  1. Congratulations to all our participants of Short+Sweet Sydney 2015 Gala Finals!



    Glenn Wanstall - Director "Position Vacant", Actor "Another Day Out With The Mates" and "Milton"

    Bokkie Robertson – Writer “Wish”


    Drew Holmes – Cecil “Unforgettable”

    James Shepherd – The Boss “Scratch”


    Emma Playfair – Woman “Manstruating”


    “Scratch” – Written & Directed by Tom Green


    “Scratch” – Written & Directed by Tom Green


    “Scratch” – Written & Directed by Tom Green


    “Pee Buddies” – Written by Shane Murphy & Directed by Jon Emmett


    “Scratch” – Written & Directed by Tom Green

Prize Sponsors!

  1. Our Gala Finalists received some incredible prizes thanks to our great sponsors!

    THE GENOCCHIO FAMILY donated the incredible prize of $5000 to Best Director, in honour of Sam Genocchio
    KELLY’S CONSULTANTS kindly donated $2500 worth of lighting to two of our great winners
    NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY donated a week-long course in film-making
    NEW THEATRE provided a double pass to their upcoming show, When The Rain Stops Falling
    TWO PEAS Theatre Company donated a double pass to their next show
    THE MONOLOGUE PROJECT donated 3 double passes to their next performance
    IZBA RUSSIAN TREATS gave our winners $25 vouchers
    ZEPHER TOURS donated a Hunter Valley Wine & Cheese Tour, to two of our winners
    BLENDER PRODUCTIONS donated a make-up voucher for services or training
    SYDNEY THEATRE COMPANY offered a double pass to their upcoming show, Endgame
    RIVERSIDE THEATRES donated 3 double passes to Rotunda
    THE FACTORY THEATRE donated a Golden Pass to Friday nights of the Sydney Comedy Festival
    TWO FEET & A HEARTBEAT offered two great walking tours of Sydney, plus key rings to all our winners
    POLE CANDY kindly provided a double pass to their next show