Register your "Alternative" Act 2021


For the first time, Short+Sweet QLD is presenting Short+Sweet Alternative, a celebration of all things performing arts. Spoken Word, Dance, Comedy, Clown, Magic and Circus, are all welcome and encouraged in this brand-new strand of the festival.

Please list the names of people who have currently been confirmed for your project. You may include roles if appropriate.
Please include years and production titles if applicable.
Please attach a script or one-page concept (this can just be a one-page pitch if no script is available). Max 2MB. PDF / DOC / DOCX accepted.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx.
Optional. Please attach any further support material that you feel may benefit this application. This could be a company history, artist CV/bios, image of past production, or evidence of further planning for this project. It’s your project, so we encourage you to include whatever you believe to be most relevant. Max. 4MB. Most formats accepted. (recommended: JPG, PNG, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, MOV, MP3, WAV, ZIP)
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp tif txt rtf html pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx avi mov mp3 wav zip mp4.
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options

Register your Cabaret 2021


We want you to sell us the idea for your show. What makes it unique? 

Please list the names of people who have currently been confirmed for your project. You may include roles if appropriate.
Please include years and production titles if applicable.
Please attach a script or one-page concept (this can just be a one-page pitch if no script is available). Max 2MB. PDF / DOC / DOCX accepted.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx.
Optional. Please attach any further support material that you feel may benefit this application. This could be a company history, artist CV/bios, image of past production, or evidence of further planning for this project. It’s your project, so we encourage you to include whatever you believe to be most relevant. Max. 4MB. Most formats accepted. (recommended: JPG, PNG, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, MOV, MP3, WAV, ZIP)
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp tif txt rtf html pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx avi mov mp3 wav zip mp4.
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options

Register as a Director 2021


If you are selected as a Director for the festival, you will be given the choice of over 50 shortlisted scripts and a lineup of amazing actors to choose from. With our support, you will direct a compelling 10-minute play for presentation to an enthusiastic public audience at one of our awesome SEQ venues.

Directors will be selected by the 2nd of March. Scripts will be distributed at this time, before actor auditions on March 13th.

Before registering as a Director, please confirm that you will be available during key festival dates.

List your festival preference, 1 being your first choice and 4 your last.
including country/area codes
Name of suburb, Postcode
If you have participated in Short+Sweet previously, please describe what your involvement was. Please include years and production titles.
Please attach a brief CV detailing your experience. Max 5MB. PDF / DOC / DOCX accepted.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx.
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options

Register as an ITC 2021


To register as an ITC (Independent Theatre Company), we want you to sell us the idea for your show. What makes it unique? And why is your team perfectly suited? 

Name of suburb, Postcode
If your group does not have an existing name, please select the name of the key artist. Alternatively, you may leave this field blank.
Please list the names of people who have currently been confirmed for your project. You may include roles if appropriate.
If your ITC has participated in Short+Sweet previously, please describe what this involved. Please include years and production titles.
Please attach a script or one-page concept (this can just be a one-page pitch if no script is available). Max 2MB. PDF / DOC / DOCX accepted.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx.
Optional. Please attach any further support material that you feel may benefit this application. This could be a company history, artist CV/bios, image of past production, or evidence of further planning for this project. It’s your project, so we encourage you to include whatever you believe to be most relevant. Max. 4MB. Most formats accepted. (recommended: JPG, PNG, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, MOV, MP3, WAV, ZIP)
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp tif txt rtf html pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx avi mov mp3 wav zip mp4.
Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple options

ITC Registration for Short+Sweet Perth 2021

Thank you for your interest in submitting an independent production for Short+Sweet Perth 2021!

A mobile number is best!
If any of the members of this production are under 18, please note that here. We need to know this to ensure compliance with the Working With Vulnerable People (background checking) Act 2011.
Please list your actors' names and email addresses.
Note that scripts which have been previously performed in Perth are NOT ELIGIBLE for the competition. Please do not submit a play which has already been performed in Perth as we will not be able to consider it for the festival.
Tell us about your ITC.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Describe what you plan to put on stage. You may also submit a script.
You may upload a script or a video of your performance.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf docx avi mov mp3 wav.


Now On!

5 Sep 2024 to 29 Sep 2024
8 Sep 2024 to 22 Sep 2024

Coming Soon

5 Sep 2024 to 29 Sep 2024
22 Oct 2024 to 9 Nov 2024
8 Sep 2024 to 22 Sep 2024