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Support S+S

Short+Sweet festivals around the world are constantly seeking volunteers to help ensure they create the best festival yet. While there are limited paid employment roles within each festival team, the best way to show you're keen and meet the crew is to become a volunteer for an upcoming season. Seek out your local festival and offer your time in areas that interest you. Some areas that often need assistants are Auditions/Masterclass/Workshop Helpers, Ushers, Programme Sellers, Bar Staff, Backstage/Stage Management, Marketing/Promotions etc. The list is endless and as always, Short+Sweet is an excellent networking opportunity for people from all walks of life. Check out What's On and get in touch with a festival near you, or email info@shortandsweet.org.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Short+Sweet has the ability to involve your business at all financial levels - from seasonal ads to festival partners - you can provide your support to the biggest little play festival in the world!
There simply isn’t another business opportunity like Short+Sweet. We’re unique, we’re international, and we’re taking off in a big way. We are committed to developing and evolving our partnership with you to meet our common goals and our global festivals are a great way to increase exposure of your company.
Please email info@shortandsweet.org to discuss how you can become a corporate sponsor.

Philanthropic Support

Philanthropic support allows us to grow and to give opportunities to the hundreds of artists we work with every year. You can support the Short+Sweet Festival that is nearest to your heart or your home.
We have festivals dedicated to Dance, Theatre, Cabaret, Song (musical theatre) and Youth Arts, and we’re doing them all over the world. Currently Short+Sweet Festivals happen in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, and India with festivals planned for China, New York, and the United Kingdom in the near future. Your donations are making this happen.
Please contact us to discuss how you can become involved as a philanthropic supporter: 
Mark Cleary | Creator and Founder - mark@shortandsweet.org

Short+Sweet is unique in its range of festivals all over the world, and we would LOVE for you to help support the arts community near you by starting up a festival!
FIRST, make sure that there isn't already a festival in your area. Short+Sweet exists in almost every state of Australia and 6+ countries around the world! So, there's a chance we might already be running a festival right in your back yard (or maybe a hall in your town/city). Check out What's On or even read through our Contact list to see if there's a festival nearby. Don't hesitate to contact the Festival Director and see how you can get involved, they always love hearing from keen beans like you!
There's not anything nearby? Well then, it's on YOU!
Here at HQ we'll be the support network you need to make the festival happen, but it takes a lot of work from you too. Before you jump in and decide to put on a show, make sure the community wants it, that its a viable endeavour and that it will support upcoming artists in your area. Once you're sure it's a brilliant idea, contact Short+Sweet HQ and let us know how much you'd love a Short+Sweet Festival to happen in your 'hood, plus why you think it'll work.
If you have any questions about getting involved in new or existing festivals, don't hestitate to contact us - info@shortandsweet.org